50 Best Funny Trivia Questions for a Hilarious Quiz Challenge [2024 Edition]

Get ready to tickle your funny bone and test your brainpower at the same time with these laugh-out-loud trivia questions! Whether you’re hosting a game night with friends, livening up a party, or simply looking for a way to break the ice, funny trivia is the perfect way to bring people together for a good time. These quirky and humorous questions are sure to stump even the sharpest minds while adding a dash of fun. From weird facts about animals to amusing historical oddities, this quiz will challenge your knowledge while keeping the mood light and entertaining. Dive into this collection of 50 funny trivia questions and see how many you can get right!

Read the article – Best Trivia Questions Multiple Choices


Funny Trivia Questions:

  1. What is illegal to do in French vineyards?

    • A) Nap
    • B) Dance
    • C) Land a flying saucer
    • D) Sing opera
  2. What does a group of flamingos called?

    • A) A party
    • B) A band
    • C) A stand
    • D) A flamboyance
  3. Which animal can’t jump?

    • A) Elephant
    • B) Giraffe
    • C) Hippo
    • D) Crocodile
  4. In Texas, it is illegal to swear in front of what?

    • A) A church
    • B) A corpse
    • C) A cactus
    • D) A horse
  5. What is banned in public places in Florida after 6 PM on a Thursday?

    • A) Whistling
    • B) Farting
    • C) Chewing gum
    • D) Laughing
  6. What was Walt Disney afraid of?

    • A) Mice
    • B) Clowns
    • C) Balloons
    • D) Water slides
  7. How long is New Zealand’s Ninety Mile Beach?

    • A) 55 miles
    • B) 85 miles
    • C) 90 miles
    • D) 65 miles
  8. In Alaska, what is illegal to whisper in someone’s ear while they are doing?

    • A) Fishing
    • B) Cooking
    • C) Bowling
    • D) Reading
  9. What were the first ice hockey pucks made out of?

    • A) Stone
    • B) Cow dung
    • C) Leather
    • D) Frozen apples
  10. Which country holds the record for having the world’s largest snowball fight?

    • A) Canada
    • B) Japan
    • C) Norway
    • D) USA
  11. What is a duel between three people called?

    • A) A triplet
    • B) A trio
    • C) A truel
    • D) A trifecta
  12. What is the tiny piece at the end of a shoelace called?

    • A) Grommet
    • B) Aglet
    • C) Looplet
    • D) Eyelet
  13. In which state is it illegal to ride a horse over 10 mph?

    • A) Kansas
    • B) Wyoming
    • C) Utah
    • D) Montana
  14. What is a duel between two chickens called?

    • A) A cockfight
    • B) A cluckfest
    • C) A peckoff
    • D) A rooster rumble
  15. How many grooves are on the edge of a quarter?

    • A) 118
    • B) 119
    • C) 120
    • D) 121
  16. What is a cow-bison hybrid called?

    • A) Beefalo
    • B) Mooson
    • C) Cowson
    • D) Buffcow
  17. Which sea creature has three hearts?

    • A) Shark
    • B) Octopus
    • C) Jellyfish
    • D) Seahorse
  18. What’s the most common color of toilet paper in France?

    • A) Blue
    • B) Pink
    • C) White
    • D) Yellow
  19. In Minnesota, it’s illegal to tease what type of animal?

    • A) Chicken
    • B) Cat
    • C) Skunk
    • D) Duck
  20. Which animal cannot stick out its tongue?

    • A) Crocodile
    • B) Frog
    • C) Cat
    • D) Dog
  21. What is the collective noun for a group of giraffes?

    • A) A herd
    • B) A tower
    • C) A patch
    • D) A stalk
  22. Which country has a unicorn as its national animal?

    • A) Ireland
    • B) Wales
    • C) Scotland
    • D) Switzerland
  23. What were the first vacuum cleaners powered by?

    • A) Gasoline
    • B) Steam
    • C) Wind
    • D) Pedals
  24. In Michigan, it’s illegal to chain what to a fire hydrant?

    • A) A dog
    • B) A cat
    • C) An alligator
    • D) A bicycle
  25. In Georgia, what is illegal to eat with a fork?

    • A) Chicken
    • B) Pizza
    • C) Watermelon
    • D) Potatoes
  26. What unusual ingredient was part of the first toothpaste?

    • A) Charcoal
    • B) Ash
    • C) Soap
    • D) Ground bones
  27. In Switzerland, it is illegal to own just one of what animal?

    • A) Dog
    • B) Hamster
    • C) Goldfish
    • D) Rabbit
  28. What is the most common letter in the English alphabet?

    • A) A
    • B) E
    • C) I
    • D) O
  29. Which planet has the most moons?

    • A) Jupiter
    • B) Saturn
    • C) Neptune
    • D) Uranus
  30. What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?

    • A) Banana
    • B) Strawberry
    • C) Pineapple
    • D) Raspberry
  31. Which country consumes the most chocolate per capita?

    • A) USA
    • B) Belgium
    • C) Switzerland
    • D) Germany
  32. In California, you can’t legally buy a mousetrap without having what?

    • A) A pet
    • B) A hunting license
    • C) A permit
    • D) Cheese
  33. What’s the dot over the letter “i” called?

    • A) A dotlet
    • B) A tittle
    • C) A speckle
    • D) An iota
  34. What country has a festival to honor monkeys?

    • A) India
    • B) Thailand
    • C) Brazil
    • D) Kenya
  35. In which European country are there more chickens than people?

    • A) Spain
    • B) Portugal
    • C) Netherlands
    • D) Finland
  36. What is the term for a group of pandas?

    • A) A pandemonium
    • B) A squad
    • C) A crash
    • D) A bamboozle
  37. What is the fear of long words known as?

    • A) Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
    • B) Logophobia
    • C) Sesquipedalophobia
    • D) Verbophobia
  38. What animal’s fingerprints are nearly identical to humans?

    • A) Dog
    • B) Koala
    • C) Panda
    • D) Chimpanzee
  39. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?

    • A) An Abdominal Snowman
    • B) A Frost Bro
    • C) A Snow Gladiator
    • D) A Muscle Frost
  40. How many toes does a three-toed sloth have?

    • A) 5
    • B) 3
    • C) 6
    • D) 4
  41. Which animal can sleep for three years at a time?

    • A) Bear
    • B) Snail
    • C) Bat
    • D) Turtle
  42. What was the first fruit eaten on the moon?

    • A) Apple
    • B) Orange
    • C) Peach
    • D) Banana
  43. Which country has the longest coastline in the world?

    • A) USA
    • B) Canada
    • C) Australia
    • D) Russia
  44. What is the only letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name?

    • A) Q
    • B) X
    • C) Z
    • D) W
  45. What year was the first color photograph taken?

    • A) 1861
    • B) 1895
    • C) 1901
    • D) 1912
  46. In Japan, what fruit is eaten on New Year’s Day to bring good luck?

    • A) Apple
    • B) Orange
    • C) Strawberry
    • D) Pineapple
  47. Which planet spins the fastest?

    • A) Venus
    • B) Mars
    • C) Jupiter
    • D) Earth
  48. What is the name for the space between your eyebrows?

    • A) Nasal ridge
    • B) Epicanthal fold
    • C) Glabella
    • D) Supraorbital notch
  49. In Vermont, what is illegal to do under water?

    • A) Whistle
    • B) Sing
    • C) Walk
    • D) Talk
  50. What is the only rock that humans can eat?

    • A) Quartz
    • B) Marble
    • C) Salt
    • D) Limestone
    1. C
    2. D
    3. A
    4. B
    5. B
    6. A
    7. A
    8. A
    9. B
    10. D
    11. C
    12. B
    13. A
    14. A
    15. D
    16. A
    17. B
    18. B
    19. D
    20. A
    21. B
    22. C
    23. A
    24. C
    25. A
    26. C
    27. B
    28. B
    29. A
    30. B
    31. C
    32. B
    33. B
    34. B
    35. C
    36. A
    37. A
    38. B
    39. A
    40. B
    41. B
    42. C
    43. B
    44. A
    45. A
    46. B
    47. C
    48. C
    49. D
    50. C

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