50 Pokemon Quiz Questions and Answers

Are you a true Pokémon Master? Test your knowledge with this ultimate Pokémon trivia quiz! From the early days of Red and Blue to the latest adventures in the Galar region, this quiz covers all aspects of the Pokémon universe. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting your journey as a Trainer, these 50 questions will challenge your memory, strategy, and understanding of the world of Pokémon. Grab your Poké Balls, and let’s see if you have what it takes to catch them all—knowledge, that is!
1. What was the first Pokémon ever created?
- a) Pikachu
- b) Bulbasaur
- c) Rhydon
- d) Mew
Answer: c) Rhydon
2. Which Pokémon is known as the “Eon Pokémon”?
- a) Lugia
- b) Mewtwo
- c) Latios and Latias
- d) Rayquaza
Answer: c) Latios and Latias
3. What type is the Pokémon “Garchomp”?
- a) Dragon/Ground
- b) Dragon/Flying
- c) Ground/Rock
- d) Dragon/Steel
Answer: a) Dragon/Ground
4. In which generation was the Fairy-type introduced?
- a) Generation IV
- b) Generation V
- c) Generation VI
- d) Generation VII
Answer: c) Generation VI
5. Which of the following Pokémon is not a Legendary Pokémon?
- a) Entei
- b) Garchomp
- c) Regirock
- d) Cresselia
Answer: b) Garchomp
6. What is the name of the region in Pokémon Sun and Moon?
- a) Sinnoh
- b) Hoenn
- c) Alola
- d) Unova
Answer: c) Alola
7. Which Pokémon can evolve into multiple different forms depending on certain conditions?
- a) Eevee
- b) Ditto
- c) Mew
- d) Pikachu
Answer: a) Eevee
8. What move does the most damage to a Ghost-type Pokémon?
- a) Psychic
- b) Shadow Ball
- c) Hyper Beam
- d) Crunch
Answer: d) Crunch
9. Which Pokémon is known for having the signature move “Spacial Rend”?
- a) Palkia
- b) Dialga
- c) Giratina
- d) Arceus
Answer: a) Palkia
10. Who is the current champion of the Galar region in Pokémon Sword and Shield?
- a) Hop
- b) Leon
- c) Bea
- d) Raihan
Answer: b) Leon
11. What is the maximum number of Pokémon that can be held in a party?
- a) 4
- b) 5
- c) 6
- d) 7
Answer: c) 6
12. Which Pokémon is known as the “Guardian of the Sea”?
- a) Kyogre
- b) Lugia
- c) Manaphy
- d) Suicune
Answer: b) Lugia
13. What item is required to evolve Sneasel into Weavile?
- a) Ice Stone
- b) Razor Claw
- c) Dawn Stone
- d) Shiny Stone
Answer: b) Razor Claw
14. Which Pokémon has the ability “Wonder Guard”?
- a) Sableye
- b) Shedinja
- c) Spiritomb
- d) Wobbuffet
Answer: b) Shedinja
15. What is Ash Ketchum’s first Pokémon?
- a) Charmander
- b) Pikachu
- c) Bulbasaur
- d) Squirtle
Answer: b) Pikachu

16. Which Pokémon is known as the “Time Travel Pokémon”?
- a) Celebi
- b) Dialga
- c) Palkia
- d) Hoopa
Answer: a) Celebi
17. How many forms does the Pokémon Deoxys have?
- a) 2
- b) 3
- c) 4
- d) 5
Answer: c) 4
18. Which Pokémon can change its form with the move “Relic Song”?
- a) Meloetta
- b) Arceus
- c) Castform
- d) Ditto
Answer: a) Meloetta
19. What is the base form of the Pokémon Zygarde called?
- a) 10% Forme
- b) 50% Forme
- c) Complete Forme
- d) Core
Answer: d) Core
20. Which of the following Pokémon is not part of the Eeveelution family?
- a) Flareon
- b) Leafeon
- c) Glaceon
- d) Lucario
Answer: d) Lucario
21. What color is a shiny Charizard?
- a) Red
- b) Blue
- c) Black
- d) Silver
Answer: c) Black
22. What Pokémon does the “Old Amber” fossil revive?
- a) Kabuto
- b) Omanyte
- c) Aerodactyl
- d) Lileep
Answer: c) Aerodactyl
23. Which Pokémon is known as the “Aura Pokémon”?
- a) Lucario
- b) Zoroark
- c) Riolu
- d) Gallade
Answer: a) Lucario
24. What is the first Pokémon in the National Pokédex?
- a) Bulbasaur
- b) Charmander
- c) Squirtle
- d) Pikachu
Answer: a) Bulbasaur
25. What is the name of the villainous team in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire?
- a) Team Rocket
- b) Team Magma and Team Aqua
- c) Team Galactic
- d) Team Plasma
Answer: b) Team Magma and Team Aqua
26. Which Pokémon is known for having the ability “Levitate”?
- a) Gengar
- b) Koffing
- c) Flygon
- d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
27. What move does Mewtwo learn at level 100 in Pokémon Red and Blue?
- a) Psychic
- b) Psywave
- c) Amnesia
- d) Recover
Answer: b) Amnesia
28. What was the first Pokémon game released?
- a) Pokémon Red and Blue
- b) Pokémon Green
- c) Pokémon Yellow
- d) Pokémon Gold and Silver
Answer: b) Pokémon Green (in Japan, released alongside Pokémon Red)
29. Which Pokémon can breed with any other Pokémon regardless of gender, except for Legendaries and Ditto?
- a) Manaphy
- b) Nidoran
- c) Mew
- d) None
Answer: a) Manaphy (but only produces Phione)
30. Which move is known for causing the “burn” status condition?
- a) Ember
- b) Flamethrower
- c) Will-O-Wisp
- d) Fire Blast
Answer: c) Will-O-Wisp

31. Which Pokémon has a signature move called “Judgment”?
- a) Arceus
- b) Dialga
- c) Palkia
- d) Giratina
Answer: a) Arceus
32. How many evolutionary forms does Eevee currently have?
- a) 7
- b) 8
- c) 9
- d) 10
Answer: c) 9
33. What Pokémon can change its type based on the item it holds?
- a) Arceus
- b) Genesect
- c) Silvally
- d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
34. What is the name of the legendary bird Pokémon trio?
- a) Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres
- b) Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi
- c) Raikou, Entei, Suicune
- d) Latios, Latias, Rayquaza
Answer: a) Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres
35. Which Pokémon is known as the “Sword of Justice”?
- a) Keldeo
- b) Cobalion
- c) Terrakion
- d) Virizion
Answer: a) Keldeo
36. What move increases a Pokémon’s Speed and Attack but lowers its Defense?
- a) Dragon Dance
- b) Swords Dance
- c) Bulk Up
- d) Agility
Answer: a) Dragon Dance
37. Which of the following Pokémon can have the ability “Multiscale”?
- a) Dragonite
- b) Lugia
- c) Tyranitar
- d) Salamence
Answer: a) Dragonite
38. What is the primary typing of the Pokémon Tapu Koko?
- a) Electric
- b) Fairy
- c) Electric/Fairy
- d) Psychic/Fairy
Answer: c) Electric/Fairy
39. Which Pokémon is known as the “Deep Black Pokémon”?
- a) Zekrom
- b) Giratina
- c) Darkrai
- d) Yveltal
Answer: a) Zekrom
40. What is the evolutionary form of Porygon-Z?
- a) Porygon
- b) Porygon2
- c) None, Porygon-Z is the final form
- d) Porygon-X
Answer: c) None, Porygon-Z is the final form
41. Which Pokémon’s cry is the longest in the games?
- a) Jynx
- b) Kricketune
- c) Wailord
- d) Palkia
Answer: b) Kricketune
42. What is the signature move of the Pokémon Aegislash?
- a) Sacred Sword
- b) King’s Shield
- c) Iron Head
- d) Shadow Claw
Answer: b) King’s Shield
43. What is the only Pokémon that can learn the move “Dragon Ascent”?
- a) Rayquaza
- b) Salamence
- c) Dragonite
- d) Garchomp
Answer: a) Rayquaza
44. What are the two types of the Pokémon Giratina in its Altered Forme?
- a) Ghost/Dragon
- b) Dragon/Flying
- c) Ghost/Flying
- d) Ghost/Dark
Answer: a) Ghost/Dragon
45. Which Pokémon has a Gigantamax form that turns into a skyscraper-like structure?
- a) Duraludon
- b) Coalossal
- c) Copperajah
- d) Corviknight
Answer: a) Duraludon
46. What is the main Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon X?
- a) Yveltal
- b) Zygarde
- c) Xerneas
- d) Diancie
Answer: c) Xerneas
47. Which Pokémon can Mega Evolve into Mega Garchomp?
- a) Gabite
- b) Gible
- c) Garchomp
- d) None, Garchomp cannot Mega Evolve
Answer: c) Garchomp
48. Which Pokémon is known as the “Battle Bond” form when it bonds with its Trainer?
- a) Ash-Greninja
- b) Pikachu
- c) Lucario
- d) Charizard
Answer: a) Ash-Greninja
49. What is the effect of the move “Spore”?
- a) Puts the target to sleep
- b) Paralyzes the target
- c) Poisons the target
- d) Reduces the target’s Speed
Answer: a) Puts the target to sleep
50. Which Pokémon has the highest base stat total of all Pokémon?
- a) Arceus
- b) Mewtwo
- c) Eternatus
- d) Mega Rayquaza
Answer: d) Mega Rayquaza (when counting Mega Evolutions, otherwise Eternatus’s Eternamax form)
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