Generation IV, set in the snowy Sinnoh region, introduced a captivating array of Pokémon. From the legendary Dialga and Palkia to the beloved starters Piplup, Chimchar, and Turtwig, this generation left an indelible mark on the franchise. Are you a seasoned trainer with a deep knowledge of Sinnoh’s Pokémon? Let’s test your skills with this exciting trivia quiz!
Know everything about Pokemon? Come test your knowledge 50 Pokemon Quiz Questions and Answers
Question 1: What is the name of the region introduced in Generation IV?
- A) Kanto
- B) Johto
- C) Hoenn
- D) Sinnoh (Answer: D)
Question 2: Which Generation IV Pokémon is known as the Diamond Pokémon?
- A) Gyarados
- B) Lucario
- C) Dialga (Answer: C)
- D) Palkia
Question 3: What is the type combination of the Generation IV starter Pokémon Piplup?
- A) Water/Ice
- B) Water/Flying
- C) Water/Ground
- D) Water/Steel (Answer: D)
Question 4: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary bird with psychic and flying types?
- A) Lugia
- B) Ho-Oh
- C) Articuno
- D) Mesprit (Answer: D)
Question 5: What is the name of the Generation IV Pokémon that evolves into Garchomp?
- A) Ribombee
- B) Gible (Answer: B)
- C) Riolu
- D) Buizel
Question 6: Which Generation IV Pokémon is known for its ability to change its body into different shapes?
- A) Arceus
- B) Shaymin (Answer: B)
- C) Giratina
- D) Porygon-Z
Question 7: What is the type combination of the Generation IV Pokémon Luxray?
- A) Electric/Fire
- B) Electric/Water
- C) Electric/Dark (Answer: C)
- D) Electric/Ice
Question 8: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary dragon-type known for its powerful roar?
- A) Rayquaza
- B) Groudon
- C) Kyogre
- D) Salamence (Answer: D)
Question 9: What is the name of the Generation IV Pokémon that evolves into Glaceon?
- A) Eevee (Answer: A)
- B) Espeon
- C) Leafeon
- D) Umbreon
Question 10: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a ghost-type known for its ability to steal souls?
- A) Haunter
- B) Gengar
- C) Misdreavus (Answer: C)
- D) Sableye
Question 11: What is the type combination of the Generation IV Pokémon Infernape?
- A) Fire/Fighting (Answer: A)
- B) Fire/Flying
- C) Fire/Ground
- D) Fire/Water
Question 12: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon associated with time?
- A) Dialga (Answer: A)
- B) Palkia
- C) Giratina
- D) Arceus
Question 13: What is the name of the Generation IV Pokémon that evolves into Luxray?
- A) Shinx (Answer: A)
- B) Luxio
- C) Riolu
- D) Buizel
Question 14: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon associated with space?
- A) Dialga
- B) Palkia (Answer: B)
- C) Giratina
- D) Arceus
Question 15: What is the type combination of the Generation IV Pokémon Empoleon?
- A) Water/Ice
- B) Water/Steel (Answer: B)
- C) Water/Ground
- D) Water/Flying

Question 16: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that can change its form between its human and Pokémon forms?
- A) Shaymin (Answer: A)
- B) Darkrai
- C) Manaphy
- D) Phione
Question 17: What is the name of the Generation IV Pokémon that evolves into Lucario?
- A) Riolu (Answer: A)
- B) Gible
- C) Piplup
- D) Chimchar
Question 18: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that can manipulate dreams?
- A) Darkrai (Answer: A)
- B) Mesprit
- C) Uxie
- D) Azelf
Question 19: What is the type combination of the Generation IV Pokémon Garchomp?
- A) Dragon/Ground (Answer: A)
- B) Dragon/Flying
- C) Dragon/Ice
- D) Dragon/Steel
Question 20: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that can control the weather?
- A) Lugia
- B) Ho-Oh
- C) Groudon
- D) Kyogre (Answer: D)
Question 21: What is the name of the Generation IV Pokémon that evolves into Buizel?
- A) Floatzel (Answer: A)
- B) Piplup
- C) Chimchar
- D) Turtwig
Question 22: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that can create portals between dimensions?
- A) Giratina (Answer: A)
- B) Arceus
- C) Dialga
- D) Palkia
Question 23: What is the type combination of the Generation IV Pokémon Torterra?
- A) Grass/Ground (Answer: A)
- B) Grass/Water
- C) Grass/Fire
- D) Grass/Ice
Question 24: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that represents the creation of the universe?
- A) Arceus (Answer: A)
- B) Dialga
- C) Palkia
- D) Giratina
Question 25: What is the name of the Generation IV Pokémon that evolves into Glaceon?
- A) Eevee (Answer: A)
- B) Espeon
- C) Leafeon
- D) Umbreon
Question 26: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that can control the seas?
- A) Kyogre (Answer: A)
- B) Groudon
- C) Rayquaza
- D) Palkia
Question 27: What is the type combination of the Generation IV Pokémon Infernape?
- A) Fire/Fighting (Answer: A)
- B) Fire/Flying
- C) Fire/Ground
- D) Fire/Water
Question 28: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that can control the land?
- A) Kyogre
- B) Groudon (Answer: B)
- C) Rayquaza
- D) Palkia
Question 29: What is the name of the Generation IV Pokémon that evolves into Luxray?
- A) Shinx (Answer: A)
- B) Luxio
- C) Riolu
- D) Buizel
Question 30: Which Generation IV Pokémon is a legendary Pokémon that can control the skies?
- A) Kyogre
- B) Groudon
- C) Rayquaza (Answer: C)
- D) Palkia